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Fri, Jan 24, 2025
2007 Chinese Business Excellence Awards Gala

The 2007 Chinese Business Excellence Awards & New Year Celebration Gala was held 6:30-9:30pm on January 25, 2008 (Friday) at Crystal Fountain Banquet Halls, 60 McDowell Gate, Markham ON L6G 1B5. About 500 business people, mostly involved in Canada-China trade, attended the Gala.

Distinguished guests who delivered speeches and greetings included Honorable Michael Chan, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Honorable John McCallum, MP, Mayor Hazel McCallion, Honorable Mike Colle, MPP, Mayor of Mississauga, Mayor Frank Scarpitti, Mayor of Markham, Madam ZHU Taoying, Chinese Consul General in Toronto, and Madam Justine Hendricks, Regional Vice President, Small Business Export Development Canada.

Honorable Michael Chan and Honorable Michael Colle presented congratulatory certificates to the recipients on behalf of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

The gala was one of the largest events in the Chinese community during the season of Chinese new year celebration in the Greater Toronto Area; it was covered by all major Chinese media in Canada including TVs, daily newspapers, weekly news, web TVs and Web news.

Participants and government officials generally agreed that the event was very successful and important in encouraging entrepreneurship in the community and promoting trade between Canada and China.

Recipients of the Awards and their brief profiles are:

Mr. Linsuo Zhao incorporated his company Toronda Heavy Industry Ltd. in Ontario immediately after immigrating to Canada in 2001. His company has successfully identified Canadian products that have competitive edge in the Chinese market; and since 2003 has acted as an exclusive agent in China for several Canadian companies in mining equipment and power supply system products. In the last three- year period, his company has exported Canadian products valued at over US$20 million to China where he has a well-established sales network. Mr. Zhao is the Export Award Winner.

Ms. Justine Hendricks, Vice President of Export Development Canada, Sponsor of the event, presenting the Export Award to Mr. Zhao.

Honorable Michael Chan and Honorable Mike Colle presenting the Certificates to Mr. Zhao on behalf of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of Entrepeneurship.

Mr. Mingguang Lu, President of Wing On New Group Inc., has been running a business importing Chinese foods to Canada and successful in marketing his products in the mainstream supermarkets as well as local Chinese supermarkets in Canada. He is also active in community service. Mr. Lu is the Import Award Winner.

Dr. Laura Luo, DDS, Sponsor of the event, presenting the Import Award to Mr. Lu.

Honorable Michael Chan and Honorable Mike Colle presenting the Certificates to Mr. Lu on behalf of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of Entrepeneurship.

Mr. Frank Fang started his fashion design and retail business in 2004. His company Enjoy Fashion Co. Inc. has focused its strength on fashion design; and has successfully opened its own retail stores in Toronto, Richmond Hill and Markham. In the last few years the business has achieved satisfactory results in marketing its own fashion brand name ¡°Enjoy¡± in the market. Mr. Fang is the Innovation Award Winner.

Madam Zhu Taoying, Chinese Consul General in Toronto, presenting the Innovation Award to Mr. Fang.

Honorable Michael Chan and Honorable Mike Colle presenting the Certificates to Mr. Fang on behalf of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of Entrepeneurship.

Mr. Ruiming Wang, President of R.M. Imports, is an entrepreneur in the business of wholesaling and retailing furniture imported from China. Just in a few years time, his company has successfully established a chain of 6 stores in Canada. Mr. Wang is the Entrepreneurship Award Winner.

Mayor Hazel McCallion of Mississauga presenting the Entrepreneurship Award to Mr. Wang's wife and son.

Honorable Michael Chan and Honorable Mike Colle presenting the Certificates to Mr. Wang's wife and son on behalf of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of Entrepeneurship.

Mr. Yongqin Ding established his own company Strong Int¡¯l Trading Inc. in 2002 in Vancouver. His business imports and wholesales food products and general merchandise from China. Just in a matter of a few years, he has successfully opened the market for his products, not only in the local Chinese supermarkets, but also in non-Chinese supermarkets such as Save-On-Food, Sabiz Mandi; not only in the Vancouver area, but also in Winnipeg, Calgary, and Edmonton; and sales have grown 470%. Mr. Ding is the Winner of Most-Improved Award.

Honorable John McCallum, MP, presenting the Most-Improved Award to Mr. Ding.

Honorable Michael Chan and Honorable Mike Colle presenting the Certificates to Mr. Ding on behalf of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of Entrepeneurship.

Dr. Shawn (Xiaohua) Qu has everything of a scientist; he got his Ph.D. degree in material science at the University of Toronto in 1995, M.Sc. degree in physics at University of Manitoba in 1990 and a applied physics at Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) in 1986. After graduating from U of T in 1995 he was with Ontario Power Generation Corp. (formerly Ontario Hydro) doing research work.

Dr. Qu is now more of a successful entrepreneur. In November 2001 he incorporated his own company Canadian Solar Inc.(CSI), and set up manufacturing joint-ventures in China. The business designs, manufactures and sells solar products that convert sunlight into electricity for a variety of uses.

CSI has grown rapidly since its establishment; it has successfully opened market for its products in Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, USA£¬China and Japan; sales increased from $4.1 million in 2003 to $18.3 million in 2005, and an estimated $300 million in 2007. In November 2006 CSI was successfully listed on NASDAQ, raising over $100 million in US funds.

Today CSI has seven wholly owned subsidiaries in China and offices in Germany, USA and Canada, employing about 3000 people worldwide; and has become one of the top 10 solar companies in the world. Dr. Qu, President, CEO and Founder of CSI, is the Person of the Year In Chinese Business.

Mayor Frank Scarpitti of Markham presenting the Person of the Year Award to Dr. Qu (accepting the award on bebalf of Dr. Qu is his Ph. D supervisor Professor Harry Ruda of U of T).

Honorable Michael Chan and Honorable Mike Colle presenting the Certificates to Dr. Qu on behalf of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of Entrepeneurship (accepting the certificates on bebalf of Dr. Qu is his Ph. D supervisor Professor Harry Ruda of U of T).

CBCC executives (from right) Mr. Sunny Sheng, Mr. Spencer Chen and Mr. David Chan.

CBCC President Mr. Sean Hu.

CBCC Chair of Events Committee, Mr. Benson Wong.

Honorable John McCallum, MP, Markham-Unionville

Honorable Michael Chan, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Honorable Mickael Colle, MPP

Madam ZHU Taoying, Chinese Consul General in Toronto

Mayor Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga.

Mayor Frank Scarpitti, Mayor of Markham

Madam Justine Hendricks, Regional Vice President, Small Business Export Development Canada.

MCs, Mr. Grant Guo, Omni2 Mandarin program host and Ms. Michelle Chu, former Guangdong Television program host.

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